
Year 6

Hi there, welcome to Year 6!


Our class teachers this year are Miss Harris and Ms Fatima and our teaching assistant is Mrs Ayaz.


Our curriculum this year is crammed full of incredible class novels, exciting writing genres, challenging maths topics and engaging science experiment.

In English this year we have been studying many genres including; WW1 poetry (which is actually based on a poem that is studied in Year 8!), historical narratives, non-chronological reports and horror stories. The teacher especially love reading the stories written for our horror narrative and the description the children use, is so detailed it actually scares us. 


In Shared Reading, we are following the school’s ‘Mastery’ approach and have been reading deeper into extracts taken from our class books. Our novels include Skellig, Once, Holes and The Unforgotten Coat.


We also have drama for two terms this year, which is all based on these novels. The children are able to develop their empathy towards the characters and replicate this in their writing.


In Maths, we start the year consolidating all their knowledge from previous years and applying this to more complex questions. At the end of Autumn, we study algebra, which is always scary, but by the end the children are fearless to tackle any question. Throughout the year we will continue to develop their Arithmetic skills as this knowledge will be transferred to the problem solving questions.


Ms Fatima is Science Lead and teaches our Science lessons – they are full of key knowledge, but also exciting experiments. One favourite is when they dissect the hearts. A bit ‘yucky’ but very memorable. Another favourite is learning about genetics through using sweets. How fun!


We have a very exciting range of topics in KUW as well. Across the year, in our History sessions, we will have learnt about WW1 and WW2, and also ‘How has crime and punishment changed over time?’. In our Geography sessions we cover work on the Amazon, Australia and the Alps.


Our favourite activity in our DT lessons this year so far has been making rationing food related to WW2! We chose to cook meatloaf and carrot cookies. They were delicious and nearly all the children wanted seconds!

Here you can see our Expectations Meeting Presentation:

Revision in preparation for KS2 SATs 
Recommended reading list for Year 6