

Mission Statement
"A high-quality Mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of Mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.” (National Curriculum 2014)

At Cromwell Primary School, all our children are given the opportunity to develop their mathematical potential through a rich, engaging curriculum. We want our children to feel confident in using and applying Mathematics in a wide range of situations. We believe that Mathematics is uniquely powerful in helping us to make sense of, and describe, our world and in enabling us to solve problems. It is a fascinating subject, dealing with the nature of number, space, pattern and relationships. Useful and creative, it requires not only facts and skills, but also understanding gained through exploration, application and discussion. In Mathematics we aim to develop lively, enquiring minds encouraging pupils to become self-motivated, confident and capable in order to solve problems that will become an integral part of their future.
School Aims

The purpose of Mathematics education is to offer pupils intellectual excitement and challenge; to provide them with a sense of delight and wonder; to equip them with knowledge and skills and the ability and confidence to use and apply these to meet the needs of present and future society. Cromwell Primary School aims to ensure that all pupils, irrespective of gender, race and culture, have access to a wide range of stimulating problems and activities which will include the appropriate Programmes of Study of the National Curriculum 2014 and the EYFS curriculum. As they move from home into school and from primary into secondary education, their mathematical experience should be continuous and progressive, producing competent and confident young mathematicians. We ensure that the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and EYFS are met and so too are their aims:

• To become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics

• Reason mathematically

• Solve problems

Maths Termly Overview for 2021-22 (Click required year group below)
Intended Outcomes for Maths

Our pupils will learn to:

· Develop the appropriate mathematical language associated with number, shape and position;

· Use and apply Mathematics in practical tasks, in real life problems and in acquiring further knowledge, skills and understanding in the subject itself;

· Understand and use the four operations of number in relevant contexts;

· Understand relationships between numbers, learn basic number facts and develop a range of computational methods;

· Understand place value in our counting system and understand how it can be extended into numbers below zero;

· Use their mathematical skills in simple problem solving;

· Collect, interpret and represent data in tabular, graphical and diagrammatic form;

· Develop mental methods of calculation;

· Recognise, describe and represent shapes and patterns in terms of their properties, location and movement;

· Measure quantities including length, area, volume/capacity, angle, temperature, time and mass;

· By the time children reach Year 6 they will be introduced to ratio/ proportion and language of algebra as a means for solving a variety of problems.

We will judge the success of our mathematical teaching by:-

· The motivation and interest displayed by our pupils e.g. through pupil voice;

· On-going assessment (formative and summative);

· Success in meeting targets linked to age-related expectations;

· Monitoring of outcomes for pupils

· Observations of the quality of Mathematics teaching;

· Analysis of pupil progress and attainment data.

Teaching and Learning

All pupils are entitled to a broad Mathematics curriculum in which their learning needs are identified and met. Pupils should experience a range of practical and written activities on number, measurement, geometry and statistics. We operate a planning procedure agreed by the whole teaching staff based upon the National Curriculum Mathematics Programmes of Study 2014 and the EYFS Curriculum. Classrooms should be rich in discussion between pupils and between teacher and pupils. Some facts will need to be memorised, others will need to be practised but underpinning all of this will be the development of mathematical reasoning and understanding through exploration, problem solving and investigation.
Click below to access the yearly overview for each year group: