

This is an outstanding school.

  • Outstanding leadership and management have sustained high levels of pupil achievement since the previous inspection.
  • From low starting points, pupils make excellent progress. Standards are above average in reading, writing and mathematics in Year 6 and there has been an upward trend in attainment over time.
  • The management of teachers’ performance is very robust. Senior leaders and governors are highly successful in ensuring that, even when there are staff changes, pupils’ learning is not compromised.
  • Staff rise exceedingly well to the high expectations the school’s leadership has of them. The quality of teaching is outstanding.
  • The governing body provides high levels of support and challenge that ensure that no stone is left unturned in the drive to secure the best for the pupils.
  • Parents are extremely positive about the school and what it does for them and their children.
  • Behaviour is excellent. Pupils feel very safe in school and the school makes sure that pupils know how to keep themselves safe, including when using the internet.
  • The pupils’ high levels of attendance show how much they enjoy school and want to be there so that they can learn well.
  • The entire school – corridors, classrooms and public areas – are a celebration of the aspirations and achievements of the whole school community.
  • The school’s work to foster community cohesion and eradicate all forms of discrimination is outstanding.
  • The school actively helps pupils to develop the skills and attitudes that will help them to contribute positively to life in modern Britain as they grow up.
  • Although several aspects are outstanding, provision for children in Nursery and Reception leads to good rather than outstanding progress.
  • In Nursery and Reception, and in subjects other than English and mathematics, assessment systems, although developing well, are not yet tight enough to show clearly how well pupils are learning and what they need to do next.