

At Cromwell Learning Community Multi Academy Trust, the Physical Education curriculum covers: Games, Striking and Fielding, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Outdoor and Adventure activities and Swimming. Key Stage 2 pupils also work on personal best challenges which help them to improve their performance in fundamental skills and find ways to improve their performance in sports activities.

The school is a part of the King Edwards Schools Sport Partnership, they provide CPD opportunities for school staff through training courses and a range of specialist coaches who work alongside teachers in curriculum time to deliver PE. Pupils also have the opportunity to participate in a range of sports clubs after school (Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2). We also ask pupils about which sports clubs they would like and what they think of PE, their feedback is used to help identify where some of the sports premium money is spent.
The school also participates in sports competitions and attends sports festivals in the local area. We also create opportunities throughout the year for pupils to experience a broad range of activities such as; yoga / well- being sessions, archery, climbing and fencing.

We also create opportunities for pupils to get their 30 minutes of daily physical activity through learning breaks throughout the school day and ensuring pupils access the active play equipment we have on our school. Each summer we hold a Sports day for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, parents are also invited to compete against each other and school staff, it’s a fun day that the whole school looks forward to.