
Behaviour/Pastoral Support

Our results are indicators of our high expectations for behaviour in classrooms and around school. Early September team building skills are provided by Free@Last (A charity in the locality) The behaviour policy is followed by all staff and a separate behaviour policy for the foundations stage is followed. The emphasis on securing Good/Outstanding behaviour for learning is done through a program of nurture and an awareness of the prior experiences of our children. We have a range of additional support some of it paid for by Pupil Premium as we have a high percentage of children on Free School Meals, we are aware that the deprivation factor of our children is high in terms of social and emotional development.

To this end we have a range of initiatives.

Behaviour Specialist - Beacon Support (To work alongside teachers to ensure that these children have the best provision).

A Nurture group based on Boxall Profile (Trained School Staff).

Play Therapy/ Psychotherapy (Trained Childrens' Counsellor)

Drawing and Talking therapy (Trained School Staff).

Family Learning in group and 1:1 sessions to enable parents to support their childrens learning at home (Specialist).

We have funded our own School Nurse and Speech Therapy sessions.

In addition to this we have the usual Local Authority support, PSS (Pupil and School Support), Behaviour management, Educational Psychologist, Communication and Autism Team.