
Year 5

Hi there, welcome to Year 5!


Our class teachers this year are Miss Roberts and our teaching assistant is Miss Bains.


During our English studies this year, we cover many genres, such as: horror narratives, diaries, non-chronological reports, poetry and many more. Miss Roberts especially enjoyed reading our newspaper articles in Autumn term, where we were able to report a deadly attack (by an unknown beast) on our beloved primary school. We were very lucky to have a drama specialist come into school this year and support us with the delivery of drama. This supported our understanding of many issues around child slavery and poverty and brought these to life for us. This then supported our writing within lessons.


In Shared Reading, we are following the school’s ‘Mastery’ approach and have been reading deeper into extracts taken from our class novels. Some of our favourite novels this year were ‘Room 13’, ‘Street child’ and ‘Beowulf’. We have been learning how to retrieve evidence from the text and use this to support our point, and then explain our understanding of this to answer specific questions. This will help us in our reading assessments. 


In Maths, we have continued to look into Number and Place Value, the four number operations and how we can solve various calculations by using the written method to support our working out. We have spent time focusing on fractions and shapes, this has supported us by revising what we have been previously taught but also recapping over areas we may have missed during various Covid lockdowns. We have used a variety of methods to support us over our many areas of maths this year, including formal methods as well as jottings, which have helped us to understand the question and solve it mentally before checking what we have done.


We are very excited about our upcoming Science work on Forces. We will be undertaking many different scientific investigations based around water resistance, friction, gravity, air resistance and how mechanisms, pulleys and gears work. Throughout the year, we have covered a variety of different areas in science, such as; materials, mixtures, life cycles, Earth and Space and lastly plants. 


We have a very exciting range of topics in KUW as well. Across the year, in our History sessions, we learn about the Vikings, the Mayans and also about the Victorians and how they have had an impact on our country. In our Geography sessions we cover work on climate change and the impact this has had; our future world and what surrounds our local area; Where does our stuff come from and lastly, we also learnt a lot about where our everyday items come from around the world.


Our favourite activity in our Art/DT lessons this year so far have been making a healthy spaghetti bolognese! We researched a range of different ingredients and looked at the nutritional values of each. We then used this information to optimise our recipe, making healthy substitutions such as using wholewheat pasta, adding chopped peppers, and cooking everything using coconut oil. They were delicious!

Recommended reading list for Year 5