Places available at Cromwell Nursery - Contact the school office for more information.

Equality at Cromwell

Equality is of paramount importance within the Cromwell Learning Community and we are currently working toward our 'Equalities Award' Silver level.

About the Award:

The Equalities Award provides support and guidance for schools to effectively promote equality, diversity and inclusion, and allows schools to showcase their commitment to equality.

The Award has been designed by a team of equality and education experts to allow schools to fulfil their statutory duties to:

• Eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between persons (Equality Act 2010)

• Promote community cohesion (Education and Inspections Act 2006)

• Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism (Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015)

• Safeguard children and promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (Education Act 2002)

Our Silver Award Journey

The aim of the Silver level is to allow schools to build on strong foundations and ensure that equality and diversity practice flows through all aspects of the school.

Our objectives:

  • To eliminate the attendance gap between SEND and non-SEND pupils between 2024 and 2026
  • To reduce the achievement gap between the performance of girls from and boys in Maths at KS1 by 25% between 2024 and 2026
  • To reduce the number of prejudice related incidents by 50% by July 2025
Please click below to view our Equality Policy: